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Legal notice

Residenz Hotel Chemnitz
Bernsdorfer Straße 2
D-09126 Chemnitz
Tel.: +49-371-35 51-0
Fax: +49-371-35 51-122

Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs- KG
Raffaelstraße 4
D-30177 Hannover
Tel.: +49-511-6 26 46-6
Fax: +49-511-6 26 46-46

Hannover District Court
Commercial register number: HRA 22668
Registered location: Hannover

VAT ID No. in accordance with § 27a of the VAT Act: DE 115692299

General partner:
Gerlach Immobilien GmbH
Raffaelstraße 4
D-30177 Hannover

Hannover District Court
Commercial register number: HRB 8682
Registered location: Hannover
Managing directors: Theo Gerlach and Gregor Gerlach

Information about the online resolution of disputes:
In accordance with § 36 VSBG Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs- KG is under an obligation to inform you about the possibility of participating in an arbitration process for settling consumer disputes as specified in the legislation on consumer dispute settlement. Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs- KG is neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute settlement processes before a body for settling consumer disputes.

In accordance with § 37 VSBG the following applies to legal disputes which have already begun: the body responsible for settling consumer disputes which is responsible for Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs- KG is the Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V. (General Office for Consumer Dispute Arbitration of the Centre for Arbitration), Straßburger Str. 8 in 77694 Kehl, Tel.: +49 7851 79579 40, Fax: +49 7851 79579 41, Email: .

Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs- KG does not participate in dispute settlement processes as specified in the legislation on settling consumer disputes before the above-mentioned body for consumer dispute settlement.

© Seaside Collection 2021

Disclaimer: In spite of having checked their content carefully we assume no liability for external links. The content of externally linked websites is the responsibility of the individual website operator. Please see our data protection policy.

Photographic credits

Sauna & fitness
© fotolila.de #93351474 – people group jogging – by .shock
© fotolila.de #19602974 – Fitness im Alter – by ehrenberg-bilder
© fotolila.de #86616700 – Sauna, Hotel, Women.- by BillionPhotos.com
© fotolila.de #7791409 – massage – by Amir Kaljikovic

© fotolila.de #78494704 – Erzgebirge – by Heiko Zahn
© fotolila.de #9084015 – Chemnitz – by Frank
© fotolila.de #18857521 – Golden Light – by Felix Meyer
© fotolila.de #110056770 – Augustusburg – by animaflora
© fotolila.de #75840947 – Steine – by speedy2806
© fotolila.de #88068379 – Dampfzug auf dem Viadukt in Oberwiesenthal – by traveldia
© fotolila.de #72382212 – opernhaus chemnitz – by goldpix

© fotolila.de #80239667 – Theater Chemnitz – by André Franke
© fotolila.de #85388068 – Schlosskirche mit Schlossteich Chemnitz – by TwilightArtPictures
© fotolila.de #110012104 – markthalle in chemnitz, sachsen – by goldpix
© fotolila.de #110150324 – Augustusburg im Frühling – by animaflora
© fotolila.de #80239419 – Chemnitz – by André Franke

Events in Chemnitz
Chemnitzer Frühling / Messe Chemnitz: © iStock.com ID 1134719617 – AlexRaths
Mobil3: © iStock.com ID 532516467 – roibu
Rassehundeausstellung: © iStock.com ID 904906128 – manushot
Großer Preis von Sachsen © iStock.com ID 846068270 – sergio_kumer
Chemnitzer Pferdenacht © iStock.com ID 1139890807 – standret
Basketball World Cup: © fotolila.de #62391976 – Scoring the winning points at a basketball game by Brocreative
© fotolila.de #182721909 – soccer ball soccer – by cunaplus
© fotolila.de #181178678 – Museum on the Theaterplatz Chemnitz by Night – by Sinuswelle
© fotolila.de #98819939 – Vintage violin on the sheet music – by ballabeyla
© fotolila.de #177291536 – guitarist sets up an electric guitar before the concert – by toncha

General terms and conditions

Terms and conditions for the services provided by Residenz Hotel Chemnitz

These terms apply to all services such as accommodation, the provision of conference and banqueting rooms for the implementation of events, and all further related services and supplies. They apply correspondingly to the provision of other rooms, facilities, display cases and areas. The following terms and conditions have exclusive application. Even if they are not expressly rejected, the terms and conditions of customers (general designation for guests, organisers of events or those placing orders) will not form part of the contractual relationship.

1. Contractual relationship
The reservation of rooms and other areas of the hotel together with agreements relating to further supplies and services become binding on their confirmation – or if this is not possible for reasons of time – their provision by the hotel. The reservation of rooms, display cases and other areas forms the basis of a rental contract. Subletting these facilities and the use of hotel rooms for other purposes than temporary accommodation require the prior written consent of the hotel. If the reservation is made by a third party, regardless of whether this is with or without effective authorisation by the customer, this third-party becomes the contractual partner and is jointly responsible with the customer for all the liabilities arising from this contract.

2. Arrival and departure
Reserved rooms are available to the guest from 15.00 hrs on the day of arrival and until 11.00 hrs on the day of departure. Rooms will be allocated to the guest by the hotel on the day of arrival. Unless later arrival has been expressly agreed, after 18.00 hrs the hotel will have the right to rent the reserved rooms to other guests without this giving rise to claims for compensation on the part of the guest. If guests wish to depart later than 11.00 hrs, they are requested to inform Reception at the latest by 22.00 hrs the day before. If departure takes place before 18.00 hrs, half of the daily room rate will be payable, and after 18.00 hrs the full price will be payable.

3. Prices
The hotel’s prices are subject to the price list which applies at the time the service is provided. If VAT is applicable it is included in the prices. If a fixed price has been guaranteed and if the period between the conclusion of the contract and the provision of the service is greater than four months, the hotel reserves the right to make reasonable changes to the agreed price. Any increase in VAT after the conclusion of a contract will be borne by the customer.

4. Terms of payment
All invoices issued by the hotel on the basis of a contract are payable without deduction within 14 days from the date of invoice. The hotel will have the right to require the payment of a deposit. If the above payment deadline is not met, the customer will be in arrears of payment without this requiring a prior reminder. As soon as the customer is in arrears of payment the hotel will be entitled to charge interest on arrears of 3 % above the base rate of the European Central Bank. This is without prejudice to the assertion of a claim for higher damages. The hotel will have the right to charge a reminder fee of €20 for any reminder which is sent after the customer is in arrears of payment.

5. Withdrawal /cancellation/no-show
In the event of force majeure or other circumstances for which the hotel is not responsible and cannot influence, the hotel reserves the right to withdraw from the contract without this giving rise to claims for compensation on the part of the customer. If the customer fails to make use of a reserved room without informing the hotel in good time, the payment obligations listed in 5a) to 5e) still have to be fulfilled. This applies regardless of the reason for the failure to make use of the room. Cancellations must be accompanied by written declaration by the customer/guest. The following deadlines for cancellations apply.

5a) Accommodation of up to 10 persons:
– cancellation free of charge up to 18:00 hrs on the day before the reserved date.
– after that 90% of the agreed accommodation price will be charged.

5b) Accommodation of 10 to 100 persons:
– cancellation of the entire room allotment free of charge up to 6 weeks before the reserved date.
– cancellation of 50% of the room allotment free of charge up to 4 weeks before the reserved date. After that 90% of the agreed accommodation price will be charged.
– cancellation of 25% of one revised room allotment free of charge up to 2 weeks before the reserved date. After that 90% of the agreed accommodation price will be charged.
– cancellation of 10% of one revised room allotment free of charge up to 3 days before the reserved date. After that 90% of the agreed accommodation price will be charged.

5c) Accommodation for over 101 persons:
– cancellation of the room allotment free of charge up to 12 weeks before the reserved date.
– cancellation of 75% of the room allotment free of charge up to 8 weeks before the reserved date. After that 90% of the agreed accommodation price will be charged.
– cancellation free of charge of 50% of one revised room allotment up to 6 weeks before the reserved date. After that 90% of the agreed accommodation price will be charged.
– cancellation free of charge of 25% of one revised room allotment up to 4 weeks before the reserved date. After that 90% of the agreed accommodation price will be charged.
– cancellation of 10% of one revised room allotment up to 7 days before the reserved date. After that 90% of the agreed accommodation price will be charged.

5e) No-show and premature departure:
in the case of no-show on the day of arrival or premature departure the hotel reserves the right to charge 90% of the accommodation price. In all cases the customer will have the right to prove that the damage incurred was less, and the hotel to prove that it was greater.

6. Events
Before the implementation of an event the organisers are responsible for obtaining, at their own costs and in good time, any official permits which are required. They are also responsible for complying with the terms of the permit and any public regulations applying to the event. Newspaper advertisements and public invitations as well as sales activities require the prior written consent of the hotel. The hotel will have the right to cancel the event if its publication will have a negative effect on the hotels interests or if the hotel has justified grounds for assuming that the event will jeopardise the trouble-free operations, security or reputation of the hotel or its guests. In this event the organisers will have no claim to compensation. If the hotel obtains technical or other equipment or facilities from third parties on behalf of the organisers, the hotel will be acting in the name and for the account of the organisers. The organisers will be liable for the careful treatment and orderly return of the equipment or facilities, and indemnify the hotel against all claims from third parties arising from the provision of the equipment or facilities. Organisers may only bring their own food and drinks with the prior written consent of the hotel. In this case a service charge will be payable.

Events are subject to the following cancellation deadlines:
– Free of charge up to 8 weeks before the date of the event on the basis of a written declaration After that the hotel will have the right to charge the agreed fee for the facilities, unless they can be rented to another customer.
– In the event of cancellation up to 4 weeks before the date of the event the hotel will have the right to charge for 40% of the lost catering turnover in addition to the agreed rent for the facilities. If no specific food and drink has been selected, the most inexpensive three-course set meal will be the basis for calculation.
– In the event of a later withdrawal the hotel will have the right to charge for 40% of the lost catering turnover in addition to the agreed rent for the facilities. The catering turnover will be based on the lowest set meal price x the number of persons.
Changes in participant numbers:
– A change of more than 15% in the participant numbers must be notified to the banqueting department at the latest three working days before the event. It will require the approval of the hotel. In the event of a higher number of participants the actual number of participants will be charged for. If there is a change of more than 40% in the number of participants the hotel will have the right to recalculate its prices and to change the reserved room facilities, provided that the organisers can be reasonably expected to accept this. In this case too, the following applies: In all cases the customer will have the right to prove that the damage incurred was less, and the hotel to prove that it was greater.

In all cases any special services which become surplus to requirements because of the change/cancellation must be paid for. The organisers will be responsible for any losses or damage which is caused either by themselves, their employees or guests. The organisers are responsible for concluding the relevant insurance cover. The hotel will be entitled to require proof of such insurance cover. In order to prevent damage, the application of decorative materials or other objects will require the written approval of the hotel. If the event affects the rights of third parties (copyright etc.), the organisers will be responsible for paying the relevant fees (GEMA etc.) directly before the event takes place. If claims for damages are asserted against the hotel in spite of this, the organisers will indemnify the hotel against claims from the rights holders.

7. Liability
The hotel will make every effort to implement early-morning calls punctually, and pass on messages and goods messages and goods to guests correctly and in good time. Any objects which are found will be sent on to the guest only at the request, cost and risk of the guest. The object will become the property of the finder if it is not claimed within one year from the time at which it was found. No liability on the part of the hotel will arise from the above points. If the guest is allocated a parking space in the hotel’s own car park or in a different location, either free or against payment, this will not provide the basis for a contract of safe custody. The hotel will have no surveillance obligations in relation to the vehicle. The hotel will only be liable for direct damage to the vehicle which is caused by any defect in the parking space already in existence at the time it was allocated, but only to a maximum of 15,000.00 euros per vehicle including accessories. The damage must be reported to the hotel at the latest on departure from the hotel grounds. Guests use the leisure facilities provided by the hotel at their own risk. Any technical or personal objects brought by the organisers remain in the rooms used for the event at the risk of the organisers. The liability of the hotel and its staff is limited to deliberate wrongdoing and gross negligence.

8. Information about the online resolution of disputes
In accordance with § 36 VSBG Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs- KG is under an obligation to inform you about the possibility of participating in an arbitration process for settling consumer disputes as specified in the legislation on consumer dispute settlement. Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs-KG is neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute settlement processes before a body for settling consumer disputes. In accordance with § 37 VSBG the following applies to legal disputes which have already begun: the body responsible for settling consumer disputes which is responsible for Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs-KG is the Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V. (General Office for Consumer Dispute Arbitration of the Centre for Arbitration), Straßburger Str. 8 in 77694 Kehl, Tel.: +49 7851 79579 40, Fax: +49 7851 79579 41, Email: . Gerlach Immobilien GmbH & Co. Verwaltungs- KG does not participate in dispute settlement processes as specified in the legislation on settling consumer disputes before the above-mentioned body for consumer dispute settlement.

9. General
If any provision of these terms and conditions is invalid, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The relevant statutory provisions will apply instead of the invalid provision. The place of fulfilment is the registered location of the hotel. The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany have sole application. The place of jurisdiction for disputes between merchants arising from the accommodation contract is Chemnitz.

Seaside Residenz Hotel Chemnitz, Bernsdorfer Straße 2, D-09126 Chemnitz

Valid from: April 2022